It is common knowledge that you should exchange insurance information with the other driver if you are in a car accident. This is very important but there are other steps you need to take after a car crash too. To protect yourself and make it easier to receive compensation for any damages, follow these 3 steps:
1. Call an ambulance and visit a doctor afterwards.
It is very common to be injured in a car accident. Sometimes these injuries are fatal. Other times, soreness or physical problems show up a few days after an accident happened. Get medical help right away after the crash to treat immediate injuries.
In the week or so after a car crash, visit a doctor to check if there are any other damages that need to be treated. Even if you do not seem hurt, there may be injuries that you cannot feel or observe yet. Visiting a doctor is extremely important if you notice pain or any symptoms of brain injury.
Make sure you keep the medical records of your visits and write down what days and times you went to the doctor’s office.
2. Call police to the scene.
Sometimes people do not want police to get involved after an accident. The other driver may tell you that there is no need to call the police if the damages seem minor. However, you should always do this after an accident. Police officers can file a report, which creates a permanent record that the accident happened. This can be very helpful for receiving damage coverage later, especially if legal action is needed.
3. Do not talk to your insurance company without talking to an attorney first.
Insurance companies do not want to pay you unless they have to do so, even if you have auto insurance. They are looking to offer you as little money as they can, which is almost never enough to cover all the car damages and injuries that you pay for after an accident. An attorney can figure out what you deserve based on your insurance plan and they can help you get the full payment amount you deserve from your insurance company.