Any time that people face criminal charges, they may find themselves overwhelmed and not know how to respond appropriately. This is even more common when people facing criminal charges are tourists in an area or state where they do not live, placing them outside of the home field advantage.
Unfortunately, the way that people respond to criminal charges may greatly affect how those charges get resolved. If you or someone you love recently received criminal charges while outside of your hometown, you may have some significant issues to resolve and may not know where to start.
It is always wise to enlist the guidance of an experienced attorney who can help you understand the issues at hand and how to protect your rights under the laws that apply where the charges arose. Don’t hesitate to reach out to an established defense attorney in the area where you received the charges and determine how to build a strong defense using all the tools you have available.
Be mindful of your response
In many, many cases, an innocent person who responds as if he or she is guilty faces a much harder time proving his or her innocence. Regardless of your own guilt or innocence, you should be careful to respond to the allegations with careful consideration instead of an emotional reaction.
Let’s say the police arrive at your door and serve you with some charges. You don’t have to answer any incriminating questions, simply say calmly that you do not wish to speak without your attorney present. This is a reasonable response, and not one that indicates guilt or innocence.
Carefully consider your options
Depending on the nature of your allegations, you may find that a creative attorney will build a defense you do not expect. In every set of charges, there are at least two parties. If a police officer serves you charges, you may find that some aspect of the arrest was illegal. If some aspect of the arrest is not performed properly, you may have grounds to argue that the charges are invalid and have them thrown out.
You may find several different ways to build a strong defense and fight for your rights. It is always wise to consult with an experienced attorney to ensure that you consider all your options as you fight to protect yourself and your future.