When a person receives criminal charges, this does not mean that the person in question is guilty. In fact, many criminal charges get dismissed before they ever reach trial or sentencing, depending on the facts of the arrest in question and the perspective of the prosecutor assigned to a given case.
Prosecutors retain a significant amount of power to reduce or dismiss charges if doing so aligns with the their principles and priorities. It is useful to consult with an attorney who understands the political and professional landscape of the local justice system when you receive charges, to help you asses how your case may potentially benefit from an understanding of these principles and priorities on the part of a prosecutor.
For example, if a police officer arrests a person, such as tourist, and video footage of the arrest makes the rounds on social media, it is possible that public outcry over perceived unfair behavior in the video may influence a prosecutor who does not want to endanger his or her larger goals for the position. Similarly, if a particular arrest is obviously unwarranted, a reasonable prosecutor may review the facts of the case and agree to drop the charges out of recognition that the charges themselves are faulty.
While these strategies are not always applicable, many individuals who face criminal charges do not realize that it is always wise to consider the nature of the prosecution handling a particular case. If you need help defending your rights in the face of criminal charges, be sure to consider all your options and build a strong legal defense to protect your rights and your future.