It has now become much easier to track sex offenders in the state of Florida. The state has decided to upgrade the website where the public can research the location of registered sex offenders and sex predators all across the state. The links to the revamped website were released by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement earlier in the month of April for the public to begin using.
When the state released the links to the redesigned website, it also provided an update to the public that the website is now accessible on mobile devices. This includes smartphones and tablets.
The public can search the database on the revamped website for a registered offender’s name, address and other forms of identifying information, including college campuses and neighborhoods. The offender is required to provide this information to his or her local law enforcement agency. The local law enforcement agencies are then required to provide the state with this information for the database.
A person labeled as a sex offender is a person who has been issued a conviction for lascivious or lewd behavior, sexual misconduct, rape and various other sexual crimes. A person labeled as a sex predator is someone who has been convicted of a violent crime involving sex. This person will also be in possession of a court order that names him or her as a sexual predator.
Convicted sex offenders and sex predators are required to register in the state in which they live. The recently revamped website released by the state now provides a better search feature for the public to find those who are registered in Florida.