A 32-year-old man landed in a hospital after a devastating accident — one that was caught on camera at a Florida toll booth near Winter Haven.
The victim was sitting at the toll in his Chevy Silverado when a GMC plowed into him. The force of the impact caused the GMC to end up partially on top of the Chevy. It also managed to damage a light display, camera and two of the control panels used by the toll booths.
The victim of the accident ultimately suffered a seizure and a broken leg. He’s since been hospitalized in an intensive care unit due to the severity of his condition.
The police who investigated the scene issued a careless driving citation to the GMC’s driver because they believe that he was driving while overtired and simply fell asleep. That’s why his vehicle never even slowed down when approaching the toll plaza.
Drowsy driving is a serious problem both nationally and in Florida. The highway patrol claims that over 4,000 wrecks happened within Florida alone due to drowsy drivers, taking 28 lives.
How do you know if you’re too sleepy to be behind a wheel? Look for these signs:
- Yawning and heavy blinking
- Eyes that won’t stop tearing up
- Restlessness and irritability
- The inability to concentrate
- Missed stops
- Drifting from your lane
- Hitting the rumble strips
- Actually dozing off for a few seconds
If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, you’re already too tired to be in the driver’s seat. Park your vehicle at the nearest rest stop or get off at the next exit and find a place to rest for a while before you continue. Otherwise, you’re putting your life and the lives of others at risk.
Anyone involved in a drowsy driving accident caused by another driver should seek more information about their rights and ability to recover for their financial losses.