Think that you can avoid car accidents simply by avoiding the places where they’re most likely to happen? While avoiding things like rush hour traffic may help, the reality is that you are bound to run into high-risk areas every time you drive. Take a look at this list of the top five places where wrecks are most common:
— Intersections without light controls. People often get confused by yield signs and even four-way stops.
— Stoplights. Always look before driving to see if there is a red-light-runner barreling into the intersection at the last second.
— Two-lane streets with heavy traffic. With four lanes, traffic can merge and move around turning cars and other obstacles, but things tend to get backed up on two-lane streets, and that can cause wrecks.
— Rural roads. One reason country roads cause so many accidents is because there’s nothing much going on, so drivers’ minds begin to wander and they don’t pay attention the way they do in the city.
–. Parking lots. With so many cars packed into the same small space, low-speed crashes are common. Parking lots also bring a lot of extra danger for pedestrians, as people and vehicles are in such close proximity. Even low-speed pedestrian accidents can be deadly.
As you can see, you’re never going to be able to avoid all areas where accidents are likely. The risk of a crash exists every time you drive. If you are hit and injured by another driver, you need to know if you can get compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering and more.
Source: Safe Auto, “The 5 Most Common Places for Car Accidents,” Jason Parks, accessed Jan. 27, 2017