Florida enjoys a reputation as a party state to much of the rest of the country, and while the reputation is deserved in many respects, it doesn’t mean that anything goes in the Sunshine State. Many tourists assume that because of this reputation and the fact that Florida has now legalized medical marijuana use that police simply don’t care about a tourist carrying some marijuana on his or her person or in his or her car. Unfortunately, this type of behavior can still lead to charges that may entail very high penalties.
If you get arrested for marijuana possession (or any other possession for that matter), you need to take the charges very seriously. Not only could you face prohibitive fines and even jail time, but many employers and property rental companies simply do not consider job or housing candidates with drug convictions on their records.
An attorney can help you understand the scope of your drug possession charges and build a strong strategy to defeat them. In some cases, the details of the arrest may illuminate defense options you do not realize you have. This is especially true if the officer or officers who arrested you violated proper procedures while doing so.
For instance, if you get pulled over for an unrelated traffic offense, and a police officer searches your vehicle without your permission, this is a potential violation of your constitutional rights against unlawful search and seizure.
Be sure to have the facts of your case reviewed by an experienced attorney who understands how to fight for the rights of tourists to keep your record clean and your future wide open.