Car crashes can lead to very serious injuries, depending on the force and type of the crash. People who are involved in a crash should know about some of the different injury types so that they can pay attention for signs of these injuries after the crash.
The injuries that you might suffer range from minor bruising and scratches to life-threatening injuries like spinal cord, brain or internal injuries. The more serious injuries are likely going to require medical care.
Soft tissue injuries
Soft tissue injuries are possible in a car crash. These injuries can include pulled muscles and ligaments. One soft tissue injury that is possible is whiplash. This occurs when the head is flung around. This puts pressure on the neck. Whiplash can lead to severe neck pain and headaches. This could have a negative impact on your life. It might even make it difficult for you to be able to continue to work.
Broken bones
The force of a car crash might break bones. Depending on the location of the broken bone, you might need a cast. This could make it hard to do things that you take for granted now. For example, a broken arm might make it impossible for you to dress yourself or do your job. A broken tailbone wouldn’t require a cast, but it could make sitting very difficult.
As you work to heal from the injuries, you might come to the realization that you aren’t able to pay your bills. Seeking compensation might help to give you some relief from the financial pressure.